"Birthday" by Kathleen Tuite A top hat is worn. A cat is a kind of animal. A cat is either playful, hungry, bored, sleepy or sneezy. The Living Room is a room. "Carpeted[unless a cat is in the Living Room], no cats in sight." The Kitchen is north of the Living Room. "White cabinets, counters and appliances."; The Bedroom is west of the Living Room. "A cozy bed, a desk, and a pile of clothes on the floor." The Bathroom is west of the Kitchen. "On the floor, a navy blue bathmat, a litterbox, and a few litter rocks scattered on the floor next to it." Instead of going south in Living Room: say "You can look out the windows, but if you open the sliding door, the cats will get out." Instead of going east in Living Room: say "Don't be silly, the couch is in the way." Instead of going nowhere from Bedroom: say "The only door in the bedroom is to the east." Instead of going nowhere from Bathroom: say "Unless you want to take a shower or something, you have to go east to leave the bathroom." Instead of going nowhere from Kitchen: say "Whoops, you bumped into the counter." A couch is an enterable supporter in the Living Room. "There is a couch in here, which looks perfectly sittable." The description is "The couch is dark green leather with a few cat hairs stuck to it." After entering the couch: say "The couch cusions give way with a little floof and you make yourself comfortable.". The cat behavior rules is a rulebook producing an object. A cat behavior rule when the cat (called thiscat) is in an adjacent room and thiscat is hungry or thiscat is playful or thiscat is bored: say "[thiscat] has followed you here."; move thiscat to the location of the player; rule succeeds with result nothing. A cat behavior rule when the cat (called thiscat) can touch the catfood and the player is in the Kitchen: if the cat is hungry: say "[thiscat] has been attracted to the food dish and begins to indulge."; now thiscat is playful; rule succeeds with result catfood; otherwise: say "[thiscat] sees the food but pretends to ignore it."; rule fails. A cat behavior rule when the cat (called thiscat) is hungry and thiscat is in the Kitchen: say "[thiscat] meows hungrily."; now thiscat is bored; A cat behavior rule when the cat (called thiscat) is sleepy: if the location of thiscat is the location of the player: say "[thiscat] issues a meek, questioning 'mreew?' You interrupted a nice nap!"; now thiscat is sneezy; if thiscat is in an adjacent room: say "[thiscat] mews from another room"; rule fails. A cat behavior rule when the cat (called thiscat) is sneezy: if the location of thiscat is the location of the player: say "[thiscat] ka-sneezes."; now thiscat is hungry; rule fails. Every turn: let the destroyed object be the object produced by the cat behavior rules; if the destroyed object is not nothing: remove the destroyed object from play; say "Now [the destroyed object] is gone.". There is a refrigerator in the Kitchen. The refrigerator is an opaque, closed, openable container. Understand "fridge" and "refridgerator" as refrigerator. The description of the refrigerator is "There are magnets on the exterior of the fridge that say 'f u robot', amongst other things, mainly gibberish." There is a chocolate cake in the refrigerator. The cake is edible. The description of the cake is "A tall, round cylinder coated in rich, chocolate frosting. It appears to even say 'Happy Birthday Adam!' across the top!" After taking the cake, say "You take the cake!" Before eating the cake: unless two cats are in the Kitchen: say "This is your birthday cake. You cannot eat it alone... find both and get them to follow you back in here."; stop the action. After eating the cake: say "The whole cake... You are so good at eating! It was as moist on the inside as it appeared on the outside!"; end the game saying "Victory! And now... this is your birthday song... it isn't very long...". There is a dish in the Kitchen. "There is a cat food dish on the floor." Understand "cat food dish", "food dish" as dish. The dish is a container. There is catfood in the dish. The description of catfood is "Moist and meaty-smelling. Contains liver." The catfood is edible. After eating the catfood, say "The catfood is rather bland. The cats will be sad that you ate their food." Understand "cat food" as catfood. A thing can be examined. Carry out examining something: now the noun is examined. Petting is an action applying to things. Understand "pet [something]" as petting. After petting a thing: if the noun is a cat: say "[one of][noun] appreciates that greatly![or]*Puurrrrr*[line break][or][noun] arches into your hand.[or][noun] wants you a scritch behind the ears.[purely at random]"; otherwise: say "That is an odd thing to pet. Does it feel nice?". Scritching is an action applying to things. Understand "scritch [something]" as scritching. After scritching a thing: if the noun is a cat: say "[one of][noun] purrs and purrs a whole bunch.[or]That's a good behind-the-ears scritch![or]That's a good under-the-chin scritchy-scritch.[or]Oooh, [noun] likes the butt scritches.[purely at random]"; otherwise: say "Truly bizzarre....". There is a bed in the Bedroom. The bed is a supporter. The description of the bed is "This sure looks like a comfortable bed." There is a blanket on the bed. The description is "Soft, fluffy, and teal. [if the penguin is on the bed]The penguin has been exposed." There is a penguin. The description is "This emperor penguin seems out of its element, except that it's a pillow, so it's actually very appropriate." After examining or taking the blanket: if the blanket is not examined: now the blanket is examined; say "What's this!?! A penguin!!"; now there is a penguin on the bed. Boycat is a male cat. Boycat is sleepy. Boycat is wearing a blue collar. The description of Boycat is "Pale orange with even paler orange stripes. Is that a spiral on each side? This cat is incredibly handsom. He is currently feeling [cat condition]." Boycat is on the bed. After examining Boycat: say "You have roused him from a nap and now he's jumped to the floor to rub against your ankles."; now Boycat is hungry; now Boycat is in the Bedroom. In the Bathroom is a female cat called Girlcat. Girlcat is sleepy. Girlcat is wearing a purple collar. The description of Girlcat is "White with orange and brown striped splotches. Such a pretty face! Girlcat is feeling [cat condition] right now." Release along with cover art and interpreter.